Alvares de Azevedo
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Job / Known for: Poet and writer
Left traces: Ultra-Romanticism and Lira dos Vinte Anos
Date: 1831-09-12
Location: BR São Paulo, São Paulo
Date: 1852-04-25 (aged 21)
Resting place: BR Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Death Cause: Tuberculosis
Parent(s): Inácio Manuel Álvares de Azevedo and Maria Luísa Mota Azevedo
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I am the poet of the dead leaves.
About me / Bio:
Álvares de Azevedo was a Brazilian poet and writer, one of the most important and influential authors of the 19th century in Brazil. He was born in São Paulo, in 1831, and studied law and literature at the University of São Paulo. He was a member of the second generation of Romanticism, also known as Ultra-Romanticism or Byronism, which expressed a pessimistic and melancholic view of life, marked by themes such as death, love, suffering, and idealization. He wrote several poems, such as "Se eu morresse amanhã", "Lembrança de morrer", "Meu sonho", and "Adeus, meus sonhos". He also wrote a novel, "A Noite na Taverna", which consists of a series of macabre and fantastic tales. He died in 1852, at the age of 20, in Rio de Janeiro, due to tuberculosis. He is regarded as one of the greatest masters of Brazilian literature and poetry, and one of the main representatives of the Brazilian culture.
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