Alfredo Sirkis
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Job / Known for: Journalist, writer, and urban planner
Left traces: Several books and environmental policies
Date: 1950-12-08
Location: BR Rio de Janeiro
Date: 2020-07-10 (aged 70)
Resting place: BR Cemitério Israelita do Caju, Rio de Janeiro
Death Cause: Car accident
Spouse: Ana Borelli
Children: Guilherme and Mariana
Parent(s): Liliana and Maurício
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The future is green
About me / Bio:
Alfredo Sirkis was a Brazilian journalist, writer, and politician who was one of the pioneers of the environmental movement in Brazil. He was also a former urban guerrilla who fought against the military dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s. He was one of the founders of the Green Party and served as a federal deputy, a city councilor, and a municipal secretary of urbanism and environment in Rio de Janeiro. He was also the executive director of the think tank Centro Brasil no Clima and the executive coordinator of the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change. He participated in several international conferences on climate change and advocated for the ratification of the Paris Agreement by Brazil. He wrote nine books, including Os Carbonários, which won the Jabuti Prize in 1981 and narrated his experience in the armed resistance. He died in a car crash on July 10, 2020, when he was on his way to visit his mother and son.
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