A. Hamid Arief
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Job / Known for: Actor, comedian, voice actor
Left traces: Appeared in more than 120 films
Date: 1924-11-25
Location: ID Batavia, Dutch East Indies
Date: 1992-12-20 (aged 68)
Resting place: ID Jakarta
Death Cause: Complications from a stroke
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I love acting, it's my passion and my life.
About me / Bio:
A. Hamid Arief was an Indonesian actor and comedian who started his career in theatre before migrating to film with 1948's Anggrek Bulan (Moon Orchid) . He gained recognition for his starring role as the title character in Pangeran Hamid (Prince Hamid, 1953) . He was a prolific film actor, often appearing in four or five films a year, and played various roles, from heroes to villains. He also acted in several television series, such as Komedia Jakarta and Rumah Masa Depan. He was also a voice actor who dubbed many anime and foreign shows into the Indonesian language, such as Case Closed, Fairy Tail, Pokémon, Keroro Gunso, and Dragon Ball Z Kai ¹. He was known for his versatile and expressive voice, as well as his comedic skills. He died on 20 December 1992, at the age of 68, after suffering from several complications from a stroke ¹. He was mourned by his fans and fellow actors, who praised his contributions to the Indonesian film industry and his legacy as a popular entertainer.
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