Eiji Tsuburaya
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Job / Known for: Special effects director, co-creator of Godzilla
Left traces: Pioneered Japan's special effects industry
Date: 1901-07-07
Location: JP Sukagawa, Fukushima, Japan
Date: 1970-01-25 (aged 69)
Resting place: JP
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Masano Araki (1930-1970)
Children: Hajime, Noboru, Akira and one more
Parent(s): Isamu Shiraishi and Sei Tsumuraya
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円谷 英二

The important thing is to make the children happy
About me / Bio:
Eiji Tsuburaya was a Japanese special effects director, filmmaker, and cinematographer who is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential figures in the history of cinema. He was a co-creator of the Godzilla and Ultraman franchises, which have become global icons of Japanese popular culture. He was also known as the "Father of Tokusatsu", a term that refers to the genre of live-action films or television dramas that use special effects, especially those involving giant monsters or superheroes. Tsuburaya was born in 1901 in Sukagawa, Fukushima, Japan, where his family ran a malted rice business. He developed an interest in film and aviation at an early age, and enrolled in a flying school and an engineering school. He entered the film industry in 1919 as an assistant cinematographer, and worked for various studios, including Shochiku and Toho. He was inspired by the 1933 film King Kong, and began to experiment with special effects techniques, such as miniature models, rear projection, and stop-motion animation. He also built his own camera crane and became known for his extensive use of smoke on set. In 1937, he joined Toho and established the company's special effects department. He worked on many war films, historical dramas, and science fiction films, and won acclaim for his realistic and spectacular effects. He was also involved in propaganda films during World War II, which led to his temporary suspension from Toho after the war. He returned to the studio in 1951, and collaborated with director Ishiro Honda on the landmark film Godzilla in 1954, which introduced the world to the iconic giant monster. He continued to work on the Godzilla series and other kaiju films, such as Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah, creating memorable creatures and scenes that thrilled audiences. In 1963, he founded his own company, Tsuburaya Productions, and ventured into television. He produced the Ultra Series, which featured superheroes such as Ultraman and Ultra Seven, who fought against alien invaders and monsters. The Ultra Series was a huge success, and spawned numerous sequels, spin-offs, and merchandise. Tsuburaya also worked on other TV shows, such as Mighty Jack and The Unbalance Zone, as well as commercials and exhibitions. Tsuburaya died of a heart attack in 1970, at the age of 68, while working on a film project about Japan's early aviators. He was posthumously awarded the Fourth Class Medal of the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor, in recognition of his contributions to the Japanese film industry. His legacy lives on through his company, which is still active today, and his creations, which have influenced generations of filmmakers and fans around the world.
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