Tomoyuki Yamashita
Other names: The Tiger of Malaya マレーの虎
Job / Known for: General in the Imperial Japanese Army
Left traces: The Yamashita standard of command responsibility
Date: 1885-11-08
Location: JP Ōtoyo, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan
Date: 1946-02-23 (aged 61)
Resting place: PH
Death Cause: Execution by hanging
Spouse: Hisako Nagayama (m. 1916–1946)
Children: None
Parent(s): Sakichi Yamashita (father) and Yuu Yamashita (mother)
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山下 奉文

The moment the first enemy soldier steps onto the main island
About me / Bio:
Tomoyuki Yamashita was a Japanese general who distinguished himself as the "Tiger of Malaya" during World War II. He was known for his successful campaigns in Malaya and Singapore, which resulted in the largest British surrender in history. He was also assigned to defend the Philippines from the Allied forces, but was unable to stop their advance. He surrendered in September 1945 and was tried for war crimes committed by his troops in the Philippines. He denied ordering or knowing about the atrocities, but was found guilty and executed by hanging in 1946. His trial established the principle of command responsibility, which holds that a commander is liable for the actions of his subordinates if he fails to prevent or punish them. This principle, also known as the Yamashita standard, has been applied in subsequent war crimes trials. Yamashita was a loyal and courageous soldier who devoted his life to the service of his country. He was respected by his enemies as well as his allies for his military skills and honor. He was also a cultured and educated man who spoke several languages and had a keen interest in history and art. He was married to Hisako Nagayama, the daughter of a general, and had no children. He was buried at the Tama Reien Cemetery in Tokyo, Japan.
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Article for Tomoyuki Yamashita

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