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Job / Known for: Disciple of Paul the Apostle
Left traces: Christian churches in Asia Minor and Europe
Date: 17
Location: TR Lystra, Lycaonia
Date: 97 (aged 80)
Resting place: GR
Death Cause: Stomach ailment
Parent(s): Eunice and a Greek father
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About me / Bio:
Timothy was a young disciple of Paul the Apostle, who accompanied him on his missionary journeys and helped him establish churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Timothy was born in Lystra, a city in the province of Lycaonia, to a Jewish mother named Eunice and a Greek father. His mother and grandmother, Lois, were devout believers in the Jewish Scriptures and taught Timothy from his childhood. When Paul visited Lystra on his first or second missionary journey, he was impressed by Timothy's faith and character, and decided to take him along as his companion and co-worker. Timothy was probably circumcised by Paul to avoid the objections of the Jews in the regions they were going to visit. Timothy became a loyal and trusted friend of Paul, who often referred to him as his son in the faith. He also served as Paul's messenger and representative to various churches, such as those in Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica, and Ephesus. He faced many hardships and persecutions for the sake of the gospel, and was imprisoned with Paul at least once. Paul wrote two letters to Timothy, which are included in the New Testament, to encourage him, instruct him, and warn him against false teachers and doctrines. Timothy was also mentioned by the author of Hebrews as a fellow prisoner who was released. According to tradition, Timothy became the first bishop of Ephesus and died there as a martyr around 97 AD. He was stoned to death by a mob of pagans who were angry at him for denouncing their idolatry and immorality. He was buried in Ephesus, and his relics were later transferred to Constantinople and Rome. Timothy is venerated as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and some Protestant denominations. He is the patron saint of stomach ailments, intestinal disorders, and the city of Istanbul.
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  • Plutarch Voice of death
    Age: y/o ()
    Died: GR
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