Yen Hsi shan
Other names: Yan Xishan
Job / Known for: Premier of the Republic of China
Left traces: Ruled Shanxi province for over 40 years
Date: 1883-10-08
Location: CN Wutai, Shanxi, Qing Empire
Date: 1960-07-22 (aged 77)
Resting place: CN Taipei, Taiwan
Death Cause: Pneumonia
Spouse: Yu Zhenni
Children: 2, including Yen Chia-kan and Yen Chia-hsien
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Shanxi is my country, and I am the king of Shanxi
About me / Bio:
Yen Hsi-shan was a Chinese warlord and politician who served as the premier of the Republic of China in 1949. He graduated from the Tianjin Military Academy and the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. He became the governor of Shanxi province in 1911 and ruled it as his personal domain for over 40 years. He was known as the "Model Governor" for his economic and social reforms, such as building railways, schools, and hospitals. He was also a leader of the warlord faction that opposed the central government of the Beiyang Clique and the Kuomintang ("Chinese Nationalist Party"). He joined the Northern Expedition, the Second United Front, and the War of Resistance against Japan, but often acted independently and switched sides according to his interests. He was elected as the premier by the National Assembly in 1949, but resigned shortly after due to the political turmoil caused by the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War. He left China in 1949 and lived in Taiwan until his death in 1960. He was known for his military skills, his pragmatism, and his eclectic views. He was regarded as one of the most influential and controversial figures in modern Chinese history.
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