Yunus Emre
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Job / Known for: Folk poet and Sufi mystic
Left traces: His poems and influence on Turkish culture
Date: 1240
Location: TR Sarıköy , Sultanate of Rum, now Turkey
Date: 1320 (aged 80)
Resting place: TR
Death Cause: Unknown
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Yunus Emre

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Come, let us all be friends for once. Let us make life easy on us
About me / Bio:
Yunus Emre was one of the most prominent figures of Turkish literature and Sufism. He was born in the 13th century in Sarıköy, a village near Sivrihisar, in the Seljuk-controlled Anatolia. He was a disciple of Tapduk Emre, a Sufi master of the Bektashi order. He composed his poems in the Old Anatolian Turkish language, which was the vernacular of the common people at that time. He used simple and clear expressions to convey his mystical and humanistic messages, which appealed to a wide audience. He is considered to be the founder of Turkish folk poetry, and his influence on the Turkish language and culture is immense. He is also revered as a saint by many Sufis and Muslims. Yunus Emre's life is shrouded in mystery and legend. There are few historical sources about his biography, and most of the information is based on oral tradition and hagiography. He is said to have traveled to various places in Anatolia, Syria, and Azerbaijan, and to have met with other famous Sufis such as Rumi, Ahmed Yesevi, Haji Bektash Veli, and Sarı Saltuk. He is also believed to have participated in the Mongol invasion of Anatolia in 1243, and to have witnessed the Battle of Köse Dağ. He expressed his sorrow and grief over the devastation caused by the Mongols in some of his poems. He died in 1320 in Yunusemre, a village that was named after him, and was buried there. His tomb is still a place of pilgrimage for his admirers. Yunus Emre's poetry is rich in spiritual and ethical themes, such as love, faith, unity, justice, and humanity. He often addressed God as a friend and a lover, and expressed his longing and devotion for the divine. He also praised the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, and showed respect for other religions and prophets. He advocated for tolerance, compassion, and service to others, and criticized hypocrisy, arrogance, and oppression. He used various poetic forms, such as quatrains, couplets, and odes, and employed many symbols, metaphors, and allegories. He also used folkloric elements, such as proverbs, riddles, and fairy tales, to make his poems more accessible and entertaining. His poems have been translated into many languages, and have inspired many poets, musicians, and artists throughout history.
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