Markos Botsaris
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Job / Known for: Leader of the Souliots and general of the Greek
Left traces: Inspired many poets and artists with his bravery
Date: 1790
Location: GR Souli, Epirus, Ottoman Empire (now Greece)
Date: 1823-08-21 (aged 33)
Resting place: GR
Death Cause: Killed in action
Spouse: Viktoria Sisinis
Children: Dimitrios Botsaris and Katerina Botsari
Parent(s): Kitsos Botsaris and Chrysoula Papazotos
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Better one hour of free life than forty years of slavery and prison.
About me / Bio:
Markos Botsaris was a Greek patriot and one of the most prominent figures of the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire. He was born in Souli, a mountainous region in Epirus, where he grew up in a clan of fierce warriors known as the Souliots. He learned to fight from an early age, as the Souliots resisted the attempts of Ali Pasha, the local Ottoman ruler, to subjugate them. In 1803, after a long siege, the Souliots were forced to abandon their homeland and seek refuge in the Ionian Islands, which were under British protection. There, Botsaris joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret society that planned to liberate Greece from the Turks. He also served in the French army as an officer of the Albanian regiment, gaining valuable military experience. In 1821, when the Greek Revolution broke out, Botsaris returned to Epirus with his fellow Souliots and fought against the Ottoman forces. He participated in several battles and skirmishes, such as the Battle of Peta, where he was wounded, and the First Siege of Missolonghi, where he helped to lift the Turkish blockade. He was renowned for his courage, skill and charisma, as well as his ability to conduct surprise attacks and ambushes with a small number of men. He was elected as a general of Western Greece by the provisional Greek government and became a national hero. His fame spread across Europe, where he was admired by many poets and artists, such as Lord Byron, Victor Hugo and Eugène Delacroix. He was also a friend and ally of Theodoros Kolokotronis, another leading general of the revolution. Botsaris met his death in 1823, at the age of 33, during the Battle of Karpenisi. He led a daring night raid against a large Turkish army, hoping to repeat his previous successes. However, he was shot in the head and killed, along with many of his men. His body was taken to Missolonghi, where he was buried with full honors in the Garden of Heroes. His death caused grief and mourning throughout Greece and Europe, but also inspired more people to join the struggle for freedom. His legacy lives on as one of the most revered national heroes in Greek history.
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