Franz Anton Mesmer
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Job / Known for: Physician and astronomer
Left traces: Animal magnetism theory
Date: 1734-05-23
Location: DE Iznang, Bishopric of Constance, Holy Roman Empire
Date: 1815-03-05 (aged 81)
Resting place: DE
Death Cause: Stroke
Spouse: Anna Maria von Posch (m. 1768)
Parent(s): Anton Mesmer and Maria Ursula Michel
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The planets have an influence on our physical constitution
About me / Bio:
Franz Anton Mesmer was a German physician and astronomer who proposed the existence of a natural energy transference between all animate and inanimate objects. He called this phenomenon "animal magnetism", which later became known as mesmerism. He believed that this force could be used to heal diseases and disorders by influencing the flow of a universal fluid in the body. He developed a method of treatment that involved using magnets, iron rods, and his own hands to manipulate the fluid and induce a trance-like state in his patients. He also claimed to have discovered the influence of the planets on the human body and disease in his doctoral dissertation.¹ Mesmer's theory attracted a wide following in Europe, especially in France, where he moved in 1778. He established a clinic in Paris, where he treated many patients, some of whom were celebrities or members of the nobility. He also formed a society of disciples who learned his techniques and spread his ideas. However, he also faced criticism and opposition from the medical establishment, who accused him of fraud and quackery. In 1784, a commission appointed by King Louis XVI and led by Benjamin Franklin investigated Mesmer's claims and concluded that there was no evidence for animal magnetism or any physical effect of his treatments. They attributed the results to the power of imagination and suggestion. Mesmer left Paris in 1785 and returned to Germany, where he continued to practice and teach his method until his death in 1815. He died of a stroke at the age of 80 in Meersburg, Baden.² His legacy was carried on by his followers, who developed various forms of mesmerism and hypnotism in the 19th century. Mesmer is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, as well as a controversial figure in the history of medicine and science.
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