Maria Pilar Bruguera Sabat
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Job / Known for: nun and physician
Left traces: member of the College of Doctors of Barcelona
Date: 1906
Location: ES Girona, Catalonia
Date: 1994-09-06 (aged 88)
Resting place: ES Vic
Death Cause: Natural causes
Parent(s): Martí Bruguera Sastre and Teobalda Sàbat
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About me / Bio:
Maria Pilar Bruguera Sábat was a Spanish Catalan Roman Catholic nun and physician. She was born in Girona in 1906, the youngest of six sisters, among whom there were two doctors and three teachers. She studied teaching at the Escola Normal de Mestres de Girona and later medicine at the University of Barcelona, where she graduated in 1934. She joined the College of Doctors of Barcelona in 1947, but she did not practice the profession publicly. She entered the convent of the Carmelite Charity and worked as a doctor for the sisters. She also obtained a master's degree in teaching in 1952. She was honored with the title of honorary member of the College of Doctors of Barcelona in 1979. She died in Vic in 1994, at the age of 85.
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