Harry Belafonte
Other names: Harold George Belafonte Jr
Job / Known for: musician Actor Singer American social activist
Left traces:
Date: 1927-03-01
Location: US New York
Date: 2023-04-25 (aged 96)
Resting place: US Manhattan New York
Death Cause:
Spouse: Marguerite Bird_ Julia Robinson _Pamela
Children: Shari Belafonte _ David Belafonte _Adrienne Belafonte Bismeyer _Gina Belafonte
Parent(s): Harold George Blancfanti _Melvin Blanfanti
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Harry Belafonte My QR code: Harry Belafonte https://DearGone.com/10056
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About me / Bio:
Reddick, an actor known for starring in The Wire and the John Wick franchise, died on March 17 at age 60. He worked small but vivid roles on television series like Law & Order and The West Wing before landing his main role as Baltimore police officer Cedric Daniels on HBO’s The Wire, often considered one of the greatest television series of all time. He most recently appeared in John Wick: Chapter 4, a box office his that’s grossed more than $400 million worldwide. He reportedly died of heart disease, according to a death certificate obtained by TMZ, though his family and family attorney have disputed this claim, calling it inconsistent with his physically fit lifestyle. Shortly before his death, Reddick taped an interview for The Kelly Clarkson Show, which aired the week after Reddick died. He appeared with John Wick co-stars Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane, calling the film “stunningly gorgeous” and praising its theme of family. At the premiere of John Wick: Chapter 4 just days after Reddick’s death, Reeves called Reddick a “beautiful person and special artist” and expressed his gratitude for being able to work with him on the John Wick films for ten years. Attendees at the premiere were given blue ribbon pins to wear in honor of Reddick, and the screening began with a standing ovation in the actor’s memory.
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