Hasyim Asy'ari
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Job / Known for: Islamic scholar and leader
Left traces: Nahdlatul Ulama and many Islamic books
Date: 1871-02-14
Location: ID Gedang, Jombang Regency, East Java
Date: 1947-07-25 (aged 76)
Resting place: ID Tebuireng, Jombang Regency, East Java
Death Cause: Old age
Spouse: Nyai Hj. Nafisah
Children: Wahid Hasyim, Abdul Wahab Hasbullah, Mas Mansur, and others
Parent(s): Asy'ari and Halimah
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The ulama are the heirs of the prophets.
About me / Bio:
Hasyim Asy'ari was a prominent Indonesian Islamic scholar and leader, who founded the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). He was also a National Hero of Indonesia for his role in the Indonesian National Revolution. He was born in Gedang, Jombang Regency, East Java, on 14 February 1871. His parents were Asy'ari and Halimah, both from Minangkabau descent. His grandfather, Kiai Usman, was the founder of Pesantren Gedang, an Islamic boarding school. His great-grandfather, Kiai Hasan, was the founder of Pesantren Tambakberas, another Islamic boarding school. He was the third son of ten siblings. He received his early education from his father and grandfather, who taught him the Quran, Arabic, and Islamic sciences. He also attended a European elementary school, but was expelled for fighting with the Dutch children. He then moved to a Dutch-Indonesian school for natives, where he graduated in 1889. He did not pursue higher education, but instead devoted himself to studying Islam under various teachers in Java and Madura. He also traveled to Mecca and Medina several times, where he learned from renowned scholars such as Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi, Sayyid Bakri Shatta, and Muhammad Zayn al-Kattani. He became well-versed in various Islamic disciplines, such as jurisprudence, theology, mysticism, and exegesis. He also mastered several languages, such as Arabic, Javanese, Sundanese, Malay, and Dutch. He was known for his vast knowledge, sharp intellect, and strong memory. He wrote many books and treatises on various Islamic topics, such as Al-Tawassuth fi al-Madhhab, Al-Irsyad ila al-Sawab, and Al-Lu'lu' al-Marjan fi Ahadith al-Nabi al-Makruf bi al-Shahihayn. He also wrote a commentary on the Quran, called Tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim, which was left unfinished due to his death. He was also a prolific poet, who composed many poems in Arabic and Javanese, such as Al-Barjanji, Al-Burdah, and Al-Munfarijah. He was also a charismatic leader, who founded Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in 1926, along with other traditional Islamic scholars. NU was an organization that aimed to preserve and spread the teachings of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah, the mainstream Sunni Islam, and to counter the influence of modernist and reformist movements, such as Muhammadiyah and Wahhabism. NU also played an important role in the struggle for Indonesian independence from the Dutch colonialism and the Japanese occupation. Hasyim Asy'ari was one of the signatories of the Jakarta Charter, a document that declared the principles of the Indonesian state, including the obligation to uphold Islamic law for Muslims. He also supported the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia, and urged his followers to join the armed resistance against the Dutch forces. He was also a social activist, who founded various institutions and organizations, such as the Indonesian Red Cross, the Islamic Hospital, the Islamic Court, and the Islamic Bank. He also advocated for the rights and welfare of the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. He also promoted education and culture, and established many schools and libraries. He also encouraged interfaith dialogue and tolerance, and maintained good relations with other religious communities, such as Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Confucians. He died on 25 July 1947, in Tebuireng, Jombang Regency, East Java, due to old age. He was buried in the same place, where his tomb became a pilgrimage site for many Muslims. He was honored as a National Hero of Indonesia in 1972, by President Suharto. His legacy lives on in his children and grandchildren, who have followed his footsteps in politics and public service. One of his sons, Wahid Hasyim, became the Minister of Religious Affairs, while one of his grandsons, Abdurrahman Wahid, became the President of Indonesia.
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